A Better Way to Get Results

We Could Promise You the Sun 

At Service Associates of America, we don't make inflated promises. We deliver results. If we can't meet your goals, we won't accept the assignment. It's that simple. 

Our philosophy may seem unusual. But the truth is, our success depends upon yours. So only a program that serves your long-term best interests can serve ours. 

When You Entrust Us with Your Telemarketing...

You deserve our full commitment. That's why we invest the time up front to develop a strategy that will give you the most from our people, resources and technology.

We will work closely with you to understand your objectives. We'll take a long, hard look at whether telemarketing is the best way to achieve them. Then, working together, we'll define your target market and create a plan that supports your overall marketing efforts.

We'll Prove Our Ability to Get Results

Right at the start, we'll determine what results are necessary for your program to be profitable. Once you approve the telephone script, we'll test and refine it to determine whether it can deliver the results you require. Only then will you decide whether to commit to a full-scale program.

We Don't Just Talk About Quality

Each agent is re-trained specifically for your program. You must be satisfied with their performance before they place a single call.

Our quality assurance supervisors continually "listen in" on conversations to maintain high standards day after day.

You can listen to conversations anytime you choose from anywhere in the U.S. With our remote monitoring equipment, your presence on the line is completely discreet.

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